

If you have any known allergies to the ingredient list, please avoid using this product. We do not want to add to your discomfort. If you have any other reservations, it is recommended that you consult with your health professional before using this or any new product to avoid any unwanted side effects or contraindications. In very rare cases, this cream may cause a rash to appear. If this occurs, please discontinue use immediately. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or who are currently taking oral contraceptives should avoid using this product. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY


Dosage amount is determined by the portion of a teaspoon which is 5ml in Canada. It is suggested to fill a teaspoon and divide it into 4 parts so you can see what each amount, 1/8, 1/4, and 1/2 will look like on your fingertip for application.


This product is only to be used externally. For each application choose a portion of tender skin, where the cream can be well absorbed such as the inner arms or thighs, the breasts, neck, or chest, and massage directly into the skin. Only use one section of skin per application.



The first day of your period is considered Day 1. On Day 5, begin by applying 1/8th of a teaspoon in the morning and evening. On Day 19 - 28, increase to ¼ teaspoon twice a day and stop using on Day 28.

The day your period arrives is again Day 1 and you would recommence using the cream on Day 5 as guided above.

If you do not have a period arrive after stopping the cream on day 28, count 5 days and begin using it again as though you are in a new cycle. Please remember that the first day you experience normal blood flow will always be Day 1 and you will not use the cream again until Day 5.

If you experience mid-cycle spotting, continue using the cream as directed until you experience a full period at which time you will stop using the cream if that day is before Day 28 and then commence again on Day 5 after your period.


Begin on Day 12 and apply 1/8th of a teaspoon both morning and evening. On Days 19-28 increase to ¼ of a teaspoon.

Once your period arrives, count 12 days and recommence using the cream until Day 28. Then stop and repeat on Day 12.


The first day of your period is Day 1. Begin on Day 7 by applying 1/8th of a teaspoon as mentioned above to a tender area of skin both in the morning and evening. Continue through to Day 20, then increase to ¼ teaspoon twice daily until Day 28, at which time you will stop using the cream.

Once your period arrives, count 7 days and recommence using the cream as above. If you don’t receive a period, recommence on Day 7 as though you had.

For women who have not had a period in many months, or for those who have had a hysterectomy and do not know when to begin, simply choose a day to be Day 7 and start the protocol above.


If the above protocol is followed closely, your symptoms may be greatly decreased within the first 3 months of using the product. If during this time, you are experiencing excessive night sweats or hot flashes, it is suggested to use a small amount of cream on the inside of your wrists whenever one occurs. It is very important to be consistent and follow the protocols closely for best results.


If you have not had a menstrual cycle for over 12 months, you are “post-menopausal”. This may also apply to you if you have had a hysterectomy. You do not necessarily need to be a mature woman to experience menopausal symptoms, and it is equally important for younger women to keep their feminine well-being healthy.

We recommend, for the first two months, using 1/8 of a teaspoon DAILY both morning and evening.  If you experience persistent hot flashes and night sweats, you can additionally use a small amount on the inside of your wrists at every occurrence.

Once the two months have ended, it is suggested to create a monthly cycle for yourself, beginning on the 7th day of each month to apply 1/8th of a teaspoon both morning and evening for two weeks. You would then increase to ¼ teaspoon until the end of the month and then stop until the next month on the 7th day when you would recommence.


With consistent use and by following the protocol that closely resembles your situation, we are confident that your results will be rewarding, and your experience will be a positive one. Your jar should last approximately 2 months when used accordingly.

For extremely persistent symptoms, we would advise you to speak to your Natural Health professional who will be knowledgeable in other therapies that may be available to assist you. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about our product that may arise from using the cream. Please feel free to send us an email.




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